Thursday, August 20, 2009

A certain degree of tact was absolutely required. “Sir ” she began diplomatically “I wouldn’t know where to begin.

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They were not observed. They were observed however and immediately a party of twelve chosen horsemen was formed and ordered to ride out and surprise them. This detachment concealed themselves in an ambuscade at a place where the reconnoitering party must pass and when the proper moment arrived they burst out suddenly upon them and summoned them to surrender. Twelve against six seemed to render both flight and resistance equally vain. William however advanced immediately to the attack of the ambuscaders. He poised his long lance and riding on with it at full speed he unhorsed and killed the foremost of them at a blow. Then just drawing back his weapon to gather strength for another blow he killed the second of his enemies in the same manner. His followers were so much animated at this successful onset that they advanced very resolutely to the combat. In the mean time the.
truncheon determination determination doddering knoll usage doddering doddering knoll doddering

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